Things to Do in Thessaloniki: Your Guide to Authentic Experiences

For Greek vacation spots, you’ve all heard of Athens.
And Crete. And Mykonos, Rhodes, Thessaloniki and Santorini.
But if you’re looking for something a little more unique and unusual, The region of Thrace is way off the tourist radar. Beautiful, affordable and diverse, Thrace (the birthplace of Spartacus!) is the most eastern district in mainland Greece.
Underrated, often overlooked and outrageously affordable, the area is packed with beaches, mountains and historical significance, and it’s a great place to spend your Greek vacation.
And thanks to a pioneering local man named Panos, Thrace’s charming beachside village of Fanari is slowly becoming a popular hub for incredible and adventurous watersports. Founder and manager of watersports company Vitamin Sea, Panos is filling the area with inclusive and exciting activities and adventures.
Panos was born and raised in Komotini, around 30km northeast of Fanari, the shoreline spot where he runs and manages his watersports company.
For several years, Panos worked as a lifeguard and swimming coach in and around his local area. He realized there were very few opportunities for locals and tourists to enjoy the watersport experiences you find in many other parts of Greece.
So Panos packed his bags and set off to London, where he threw his time and money into attending a waterski school.
After passing his classes, and graduating in Sports Science back in Greece, he was ready to set up his business. So in 2018, Panos established Vitamin Sea, his innovative watersports company in Fanari. They offer waterskiing, wakeboarding, paddle boarding, canoeing, kayaking, tube-riding, sofa-riding and much more.
We love Panos’ story, we love Panos himself, and we love working with Vitamin Sea. Here’s why:
The company founder and manager is a local man. This is important to us, as it means that Panos is invested and interested in his local area. Panos is friends with lots of local people, he’s from a local family, and he has a local heart.
And because Panos wants locals and tourists to enjoy the best of his region, Vitamin Sea’s operations aren’t too pricey. Compared to lots of similar businesses in more popular spots throughout Greece, Vitamin Sea’s exciting activities are surprisingly affordable.
Panos wants to make watersports for everyone, no matter who they are, where they’re from, or what they’re capable of. Panos frequently engages with a local disability association, helping disabled people to enjoy and access watersports without any barriers, boundaries or discrimination.
Vitamin Sea also works closely with lots of kids and families. Many locals and tourists ask Panos to teach their kids to swim and explore watersports, great for family-friendly adventures.
And because of where they’re based, and how affordable they are, Vitamin Sea attracts tourists from a huge range of places. Usually, Greek beaches attract mostly western European tourists. But not here! Vitamin Sea attracts many Greek tourists from the local area, and lots of people visit from Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Turkey and more.
Watersports are ridiculously exciting. They offer a unique experience, a huge rush of adrenaline, and a massive amount of excitement. If you like big thrills, watersports are some of the best activities on the planet.
When you engage in watersports, you lose your sense of time, and become totally immersed in the action, excitement and adventure. You can put your phone away, switch your brain off, and enjoy living in the moment.
Aside from enjoying seaside excitement and ocean experiences, you can enjoy exploring Fanari itself. This diminutive and charming village is great for chilling out, seafood munching, shoreside lazing and people-watching.
If you want to venture a little further than Fanari, you can visit ✌️:
All of these places are around 30 minutes from one another by car. So within the short space of just a 30-minute drive, you get great weather, accessible shores, beautiful beaches, towering mountains, great lakes, historical sites, sweet treats, local cuisine, fantastic campsites, fresh fish, local markets, a charming harbour, friendly faces and so much more.
For now, relatively few tourists know about Fanari, Komotini, Xanthi and Thrace. But the entire area is slowly becoming more popular, with plenty of things to do.
Because of Coronavirus, travel habits are changing, and people are starting to seek quieter, safer experiences in lesser-known parts of the nations they visit. And that’s exactly why Fanari and Thrace are so great. If you want to enjoy all the things that Greece is famous for, but quieter, better, more affordable and more authentic, come visit!
Whatever you want to do in Greece, you can do in Thrace. The difference is, you can do it better. So get here before everyone else does!
So that’s everything you need to know about Thrace, Fanari and Vitamin Sea!
But if you want to find out even more, you’ll find lots of people sharing their experiences online. Check out Vitamin Sea’s social media profiles at…
And check out #yourchoiceofyourfuntasy across all social media platforms, where you’ll find people sharing their enjoyment of Vitamin Sea’s excellent experiences. Or (even better!) to book an experience of your own, visit Vitamin-Sea. Say hello to Panos for us!
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